Importance of proportions

Importance of proportions
Which image looks better?

Which image looks better?

The image on the right looks better. Nice and simple: having a shirt with a proper length makes the legs look longer. The 2/3 rule is used here. What is “proper length”? As a golden rule the visual line between an upper and lower body should not cut the body at curve or your widest parts. About an inch above the hips – this fits most body types.






Again, the image on the right looks better. These outfits are assembled with similar items, but look dramatically different. Lets review the picture props. Lower neckline makes the neck look longer. The jacket line is compliant with the proportion rules and balances the upper and lower body. Shorter skirt (and the choice of tall boots with heels) make the legs look longer. (Hint: longer skirts look better on the taller women, if you are short avoid or be careful) A few more details: pencil skirt slims down in most cases. Defined waist line also contributes to entire image looking better. In my humble opinion the purse of a contrast color is not such a bad idea, it distracts from overall boxy look on the left picture.

Which image looks better?

No question here, of course the image on the right looks better.

Ladies with apple/oval shape pay attention – this is for you. Again shorter top balances the upper and lower body. Long jeans of neutral color slim down hips and thighs, Boot cut design hides wide cuffs. Shoes or boots are the same or similar shade as jeans make legs look longer. White T-shirt underneath the stripped shirt is shorter at the waist line and doesn’t attract attention to the problematic area in comparison with the left image. Lets agree that accessories on the left (boots and purse) not anywhere near of being stylish. Although little purse on the right looks better – I would take slightly bigger one (to be more proportional with the body size) and a bit brighter.


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