Color Combinations Rules

Color Combinations Rules

With this tool you can see which colors you  can wear together.

  1. Find the little circle with arrow in it and move it around the wheel, from inside to outside the wheel until you find the shade of the garment in the central square below the wheel for which you are trying to find a match.  Once you match the color with your garment select a different Color rule from the drop-down menu. The squares to the left and to the right of your selected color will give you an idea for the combination. Try different rules. My favorite are Monochromatic and Complimentary.
  2. Alternatively, use the tool to find the right colors for your skin tone. Good judgement is needed. By clicking on the camera icon upload your picture, where your face is well lit, the more face on the picture the better. You will be presented with 5 spot selections. If you have full body on the picture the selections will be placed everywhere, including background. Click on the one circle and drag it around your face, while clicked you will get a portion of your face in a separate circle. While moving notice which square changes, move the mouse  until you feel that the color in that square is very close to your skin color. Use your best judgement. Click on that square and move it to the central position. Click on the color wheel icon – you will be presented with the same screen as above with your skin tone in the middle. Pull down different rules: Triad Complimentary and Compound would be the best selection, when you selecting colors for your skin tone.

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